First I want to say thank you for everything that youve done, the effort and time that have you put into this site and the *blessings* that it has brought to me and many other people. ( *I do NOT throw that word around lightly anymore).
Over the last ten years its served different things for me at different times...after 10 years its sort of like a comfortable shoe--a place that I spend a lot of time in --because its comfortable.
It will be an adjustment for me to see it go but it is probably for the best. These things happen----It is time to move on.
Greasespot opened over 10 years ago. Lots of people have passed through on their journey. My hope has been that a few have found some answers, maybe some lost friends or new friends.
I've enjoyed most hearing from folks that have found some tidbits of info to help them on their way.
Lots could be said.
But the truth is the way that things are right now in my life, I think that I will have to close the Spot as of December 31st. I don't have the resources mentally or financially to keep this place going. Thanks to the Moderators, they've really kept this site alive for the past few years.
I will miss it, as I am sure some of you will. And the rest just won't have me to kick around anymore.
I haven't been around too long but I have learned a lot and will miss it and thank you very much. I did wonder how you managed to manage it so well, can't believe anyone kicked you.
I echo mstar in my appreciation for what gs has done over the years. It enabled me to meet and marry the man I was born to be with, allowed me to keep in touch with friends I'd lost contact with but now see regularly on facebook, and helped me to meet new friends through gs who have and (some) continue to be a real joy!
Thank you Pawtucket....for all of your contributions over the years....for your role in our wedding, and for putting up with some "characters" with style and grace.
Thanks Paw for your labor of love. This place has helped me to find out the truth and has reunited me with many friends. I will miss it. Thank you!
And with all the great things that have happened here the greatest thing for me personally was meeting GrouchoMarxjr.
Thank you Greasespot and all of you wonderful people.
I do not know where some of the people have gone like Housearockin and Hwy 29 or Rottie girl but I want them to know I love them and am thankful for their contributions to my life.
Alfacat if you are out there pls get my contact information before the place closes.
Catcup you have also enriched my life. Sunesis oh gosh so many.... Geisha....
But seriously Paw, you have done a LOT of good for MANY people in far more ways than just letting them know about TWI, trust me on this. Far more than your detractors have any idea about.
Hell, you sure as hell have provided FAR more help to all here than TWI ever did even on its best dayz, ... even _with_ it's 'god'. (I'd like to see any TWI apologists challenge _that_ one.)
Ok, ok, I'll tone it down. But seriously, you done good, Pawtucket, you really have. :eusa_clap:
This from one who is NOT a detractor.
And the rest just won't have me to kick around anymore.
Great impersonation of Tricky Dick ya going there.
remuneration? pffft I expect it has been a labor of love out of his and other's pockets.
Paw, it has been my pleasure to have had this contact with you. Is there anything we can do to ease this transition for you? For your most worthy endeavors and the care you have given others, you deserve a taste of freedom. I applaud all that you have done here
That's a bummer to hear Paw. Rather enjoy coming home at night and getting on line to chat with those at the cafe. But gotta do what you gotta do. Thanks for letting me be apart of your labor of love.
The cafe has been a blessing to my life in many ways. I am especially thankful for the healing I experienced in many areas of my life as I was able to find missing puzzle pieces and find their proper places in the bigger picture. Pawtucket thank you giving so freely and generously of yourself to provide this important place for all of us.
You will remain in my prayers through the closeure and after it as well. I wish you the best with all the new time you will have at your disposal. Thank you for sharing so much of you time, talents, energy, and finances to this for the past 10 years. From a greasespoter point of view, it seems you received a good return on your investment from reading of the healing and deliverance so many have received from visiting the cafe. Thanks for keeping it open for as long as you did.
Perhaps we should plan a New Year's Eve Chat Fest and bid the cafe and many friends a fond adeiu.
I will miss this place when it's gone. But I will carry many fond memories of friends met, lessons learned, etc. on with me. GSC will always be a sweet place in my heart.
Bittersweet for sure. I know I never would have been able to make sense of that decade in my life without finding a place to write about it, connecting with so many here, getting to know Paw.
The idea of going out with a bang is pretty terrific - something splashy and irreverant perhaps? We gotta haul out the good dishes, the memories, the old-timers, and do it in style!
...I think that I will have to close the Spot as of December 31st.
Wut? No way.
I don't have the resources mentally or financially to keep this place going. Thanks to the Moderators, they've really kept this site alive for the past few years.
I'm sorry to hear that. Thanks to all of you who have kept this place up.
I will miss it, as I am sure some of you will.
Damn, I kinda depend on this place. This is going to require some adjustment. And I wasn't even in TWI.
I honestly don't know where I would be today, if it hadn't been for the cafe. Here I recovered from the horrors of TWI. Here I began my journey into logical and critical thinking. Here I received the inspiration and encouragement to return to school and to explore my religious heritage. Here I received the love and support to get out of an abusive marriage. Here I met my wonderful husband and many true friends.
Paw, thank you for all you have done for those of us exiting TWI. I will miss this place, but I am also glad that you are finally willing to remember that it is okay to take care of yourself. :)
We should at the very least do a chatroom meet up on New Years Eve as part of the send off. However, I need someone to help me figure out why I cannot get into chat on my laptop. I know it is something in my security settings, but I haven't figured out what yet.
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Hey, it might be good for everybody to move on. It's pretty addicting, coming here, so, maybe something new would be good for everybody! :)
A mixed blessing
First I want to say thank you for everything that youve done, the effort and time that have you put into this site and the *blessings* that it has brought to me and many other people. ( *I do NOT throw that word around lightly anymore).
Over the last ten years its served different things for me at different times...after 10 years its sort of like a comfortable shoe--a place that I spend a lot of time in --because its comfortable.
It will be an adjustment for me to see it go but it is probably for the best. These things happen----It is time to move on.
Are we gonna have some closing ceremony?
Thank You
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I haven't been around too long but I have learned a lot and will miss it and thank you very much. I did wonder how you managed to manage it so well, can't believe anyone kicked you.
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What am I gonna do with all those pancakes on Sunday mornings?
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I echo mstar in my appreciation for what gs has done over the years. It enabled me to meet and marry the man I was born to be with, allowed me to keep in touch with friends I'd lost contact with but now see regularly on facebook, and helped me to meet new friends through gs who have and (some) continue to be a real joy!
Thank you Pawtucket....for all of your contributions over the years....for your role in our wedding, and for putting up with some "characters" with style and grace.
GS will be missed.
Edited by Cindy!Link to comment
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Dot Matrix
Thanks Paw for your labor of love. This place has helped me to find out the truth and has reunited me with many friends. I will miss it. Thank you!
And with all the great things that have happened here the greatest thing for me personally was meeting GrouchoMarxjr.
Thank you Greasespot and all of you wonderful people.
I do not know where some of the people have gone like Housearockin and Hwy 29 or Rottie girl but I want them to know I love them and am thankful for their contributions to my life.
Alfacat if you are out there pls get my contact information before the place closes.
Catcup you have also enriched my life. Sunesis oh gosh so many.... Geisha....
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Awww crap! Now who am I gonna pi** off?
But seriously Paw, you have done a LOT of good for MANY people in far more ways than just letting them know about TWI, trust me on this. Far more than your detractors have any idea about.
Hell, you sure as hell have provided FAR more help to all here than TWI ever did even on its best dayz, ... even _with_ it's 'god'. (I'd like to see any TWI apologists challenge _that_ one.)
Ok, ok, I'll tone it down. But seriously, you done good, Pawtucket, you really have.
This from one who is NOT a detractor.
Great impersonation of Tricky Dick ya going there.
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Hey Paw,
What are you going to do with the Way material?
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... post it on Facebook?
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Thank you for all you have done for the ex-TWI folk. I think GSC has made a huge positive impact in many lives as we tried to make sense of it all.
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Broken Arrow
Thanks Paw! I know you put a lot of yourself into this with little, if any remuneration. Thank you.
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remuneration? pffft I expect it has been a labor of love out of his and other's pockets.
Paw, it has been my pleasure to have had this contact with you. Is there anything we can do to ease this transition for you? For your most worthy endeavors and the care you have given others, you deserve a taste of freedom. I applaud all that you have done here
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Human without the bean
That's a bummer to hear Paw. Rather enjoy coming home at night and getting on line to chat with those at the cafe. But gotta do what you gotta do. Thanks for letting me be apart of your labor of love.
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The cafe has been a blessing to my life in many ways. I am especially thankful for the healing I experienced in many areas of my life as I was able to find missing puzzle pieces and find their proper places in the bigger picture. Pawtucket thank you giving so freely and generously of yourself to provide this important place for all of us.
You will remain in my prayers through the closeure and after it as well. I wish you the best with all the new time you will have at your disposal. Thank you for sharing so much of you time, talents, energy, and finances to this for the past 10 years. From a greasespoter point of view, it seems you received a good return on your investment from reading of the healing and deliverance so many have received from visiting the cafe. Thanks for keeping it open for as long as you did.
Perhaps we should plan a New Year's Eve Chat Fest and bid the cafe and many friends a fond adeiu.
I will miss this place when it's gone. But I will carry many fond memories of friends met, lessons learned, etc. on with me. GSC will always be a sweet place in my heart.
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George Aar
It's been a good run (uh, from my perspective anyway).
There were many times when I wondered why you bothered anymore, but I'm glad you did.
Thanks for all your efforts, really.
Now I've gotta figure out where else I can spread strife and discord, hmmm...
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Well shucksl. Sorry to see this site go. It's been an absolute blessing from day one.
We've had some differences of opinions over the years, but "You're the Best!"
Thanks for all you've done Paw. It's appreciated!
I'm changing my avatar to a real pic of me. Gonna miss the fiddle peghead avatar,
but I guess all things pass with time. Take care Paw. Travel well, and God speed.

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Wait! Wait! I almost forgot a VERY IMPORTANT FEATURE of Greasespot!!
What about THE?! What shall become of it?!
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I have the original one copied Garth. Do you need the link? ;)
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Cheers, Paw. You've done a good thing here. It has done a lot for me.
I'm just glad I'm not addicted to this place the way I used to be, otherwise I would be seriously jonesing for some greasy goodness come the new year.
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Bittersweet for sure. I know I never would have been able to make sense of that decade in my life without finding a place to write about it, connecting with so many here, getting to know Paw.
The idea of going out with a bang is pretty terrific - something splashy and irreverant perhaps? We gotta haul out the good dishes, the memories, the old-timers, and do it in style!
Hey, who's gonna get the last word? :D
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I was just the other day wondering
Where in the World is...pamsandiego
I had the song running through my head and had visions of a chinook at the ends of the earth somewhere.
that which is lost is found.
The first shall be last and the last shall be first
At last I see you're first at last.
Welcome back even though its only momentary
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soul searcher
Wut? No way.
I'm sorry to hear that. Thanks to all of you who have kept this place up.
Damn, I kinda depend on this place. This is going to require some adjustment. And I wasn't even in TWI.
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I honestly don't know where I would be today, if it hadn't been for the cafe. Here I recovered from the horrors of TWI. Here I began my journey into logical and critical thinking. Here I received the inspiration and encouragement to return to school and to explore my religious heritage. Here I received the love and support to get out of an abusive marriage. Here I met my wonderful husband and many true friends.
Paw, thank you for all you have done for those of us exiting TWI. I will miss this place, but I am also glad that you are finally willing to remember that it is okay to take care of yourself. :)
We should at the very least do a chatroom meet up on New Years Eve as part of the send off. However, I need someone to help me figure out why I cannot get into chat on my laptop. I know it is something in my security settings, but I haven't figured out what yet.
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It breaks my heart a little to see it go, but I can't blame you at all.
You deserve to be able to get on with your life, the same as any one else.
Will the material that's up remain up in a "read only" format?
I imagine all that's been written will still be of use to people, and there's
still people who come here to read about twi.
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Is anyone volunteering to set up a temporary meeting-place post-GSC so the regulars and semi-regulars
can log in and get contact information for each other? Most people are running around and some
won't check in until after the holidays.
I'm thinking a temporary messageboard for that, with a prominent thread and link from here,
would work, and buy us more time to exchange contacts.
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